Von P. L. Am 05/Mai/2020 :

    Anrede : Ottimo
    Kommentare : Servizio puntuale ed efficiente, 3/3 ok a garanzia della qualità del prodotto.

    Von E. W. Am 04/Mai/2020 :

    Anrede : Green Gelato
    Kommentare : Bought 5 of these seeds arrived within a week all popped within 2days, their on day 13 veg, I’ll write another review when harvested. 10/10

    Von M. B. Am 04/Mai/2020 :

    Anrede : Green Gelato
    Kommentare : Delai de reception court, des graines en cadeaux, hate de grow tout ca, au top !

    Von P. L. Am 30/Apr/2020 :

    Anrede : Green Gelato
    Kommentare : Schnelle Lieferung , alle Samen haben gekeimt , gute Erfahrung mit Rqs

    Von G. A. Am 29/Apr/2020 :

    Anrede : Ottimo
    Kommentare : Precisione dell'azienda nel fornire il prodotto che è arrivato nei tempi previsti. Ogni seme si è sviluppato e aspetto l'evoluzione.

    Von G. R. Am 29/Apr/2020 :

    Anrede : Elle est excellent très bonne
    Kommentare : Elle a un super goût

    Von A. L. Am 28/Apr/2020 :

    Anrede : top
    Kommentare : Commandé 2 graines, les 2 ont germés, plus qu'a attendre que les monstres poussent ...

    Von Y. D. Am 27/Apr/2020 :

    Anrede : Super schnelle diskrete Lieferung
    Kommentare : Diese Sorte kann ich jedem nur empfehlen. Tolle Wirkung

    Von A. C. Am 27/Apr/2020 :

    Anrede : green gelato
    Kommentare : arrived promptly - sprouted quickly, and is about to go into flower. No complaints - faster grower, beautiful leaves. Top notch

    Von F. A. Am 27/Apr/2020 :

    Anrede : pas de chance
    Kommentare : c'est la première fois qu 'aucune de mes 3 graines ne sortent pas de terre ! les 3 graines commandées n'ont pas germé ! en parallèle j'ai pris une green gelato qui est très bien sortie... je suis dégouté , mais je n'en veux pas à RQS ce sont sûrement des choses qui arrivent , la première fois pour ma part... je recommande dès que je peux .

    Von J. K. Am 27/Apr/2020 :

    Anrede : J.K.
    Kommentare : Hello, I bought feminized green gelato seeds from you and four of the five plants started to bloom in the third week of growth. I was really looking forward to green gelato but I'm disappointed 😞

    Von M. C. Am 22/Apr/2020 :

    Anrede : the best
    Kommentare : best u can buy

    Von M. T. Am 18/Apr/2020 :

    Anrede : Fenomenale
    Kommentare : Con il suo sapore dolciastro e l'alto contenuto di THC è una delle varietà più piacevoli da gustare, provatela e non e rimarrete delusi.

    Von M. Z. Am 18/Apr/2020 :

    Anrede : Green Gelato
    Kommentare : Erba favolosa, tagliata a 10 settimane, forte odore di vaniglia che lo si trova uguale al palato. Poi lo stone colpisce dura. Un erba fantastica. La consiglio

    Von L. S. Am 17/Apr/2020 :

    Anrede : Nice, just a little complicated
    Kommentare : If course, there are easyer strains to grow, but for the huge amount of thc, the work is definitely worth it

    Von R. A. Am 13/Apr/2020 :

    Anrede : magnifique
    Kommentare : hâte de test !!!!

    Von E. J. Am 10/Apr/2020 :

    Anrede : Best ever
    Kommentare : I grew these last year and I'm going for it again this year. I don't know anything about growing weed so I just put the plant in the garden after some weeks behind the window. I just let it grow and I ended up with a huge plant and the weed was strong! Just make sure to cut off the lower branches because they become to heavy for the plant to carry so you'll have to cut them off anyway.

    Von E. L. Am 10/Apr/2020 :

    Anrede : Green gelato
    Kommentare : Very good product, I recommend it !

    Von A. I. Am 10/Apr/2020 :

    Anrede : Top
    Kommentare : Top

    Von C. S. Am 08/Apr/2020 :

    Anrede : Elles sont prometeusess
    Kommentare : Acheter en décembre 2019. Stockées au frigo et mise à germer il y à un mois. 100 % de germination. Petites et trapues.Si le fumage ce rapporte à son ramage... ... ... J'en salive d'avance.

    Von S. B. Am 08/Apr/2020 :

    Anrede : Very fast delivering
    Kommentare : All seeds are growing and I hope for a good harvest

    Von A. D. Am 08/Apr/2020 :

    Anrede : Top
    Kommentare : Ottimi semi arrivati giusti

    Von A. F. Am 31/M�rz/2020 :

    Anrede : Top
    Kommentare : Rese ottimali da 1kg a pianta e sapori deliziosi

    Von D. G. Am 31/M�rz/2020 :

    Anrede : The THC monster
    Kommentare : Un esplosione di sapori e potenza...thank you

    Von D. B. Am 30/M�rz/2020 :

    Anrede : Schnelle Lieferung
    Kommentare : mehr kann ich noch nicht sagen, Samen keimt gerade

    Von D. R. Am 30/M�rz/2020 :

    Anrede : Green gelato
    Kommentare : Ottimo servizio!!

    Von Z. D. Am 30/M�rz/2020 :

    Anrede : Rubish
    Kommentare : Best strains i have bought for a long time, seeds cracked within 24 hours and were above ground in 48, veg is very rigorous looking forward to see what she can do in flower, delivery was descreate and very fast will be using Royal Queen again in the future

    Von M. E. Am 26/M�rz/2020 :

    Anrede : Excelent
    Kommentare : Green Gelato is one of the best strains for indoor growing. IMHO very good for Scrog. If dried and curred correctly, the taste is unbelivable.

    Von J. A. Am 25/M�rz/2020 :

    Anrede : Amazing!
    Kommentare : I got it on other grow shop and they're growing insanely well!

    Von S. B. Am 24/M�rz/2020 :

    Anrede : Green Gelato
    Kommentare : First of all 5 out of 5 germinated. Got 3 different phenotype's, a small stocky but massife yielding plant. Smells like Orange guess. this one has more Sunset in her, absolutly love this pheno. Then there is a little more sative like pheno, she a bit more branchy and a little taller. This one is eyecandy at the end of flower she turns purple :) With a typical cookie smell to it. Not as a big yielder as the first mentioned pheno, but she beautifull and sticky as hell:) And the 3th pheno has that cookies mint smell to it. Also quite the yielder. Great stuff RQS Def Will buy these again.

    Von K. J. Am 19/M�rz/2020 :

    Anrede : pleasant smell
    Kommentare : I like germination, growth and quality.

    Von D. P. Am 18/M�rz/2020 :

    Anrede : G. G.
    Kommentare : Good stuff , but requires a bit more experience in order to produce big yields. It's a flower that requires attention and care. Other than that great.

    Von L. V. Am 16/M�rz/2020 :

    Anrede : Green Gelato
    Kommentare : Alles bestens 3 von 3 gerne wieder

    Von J. F. Am 13/M�rz/2020 :

    Anrede : Green gelato is 100% top shelf.. Not for beginner smokers.!!
    Kommentare : Just finished in nft under 600w hps and sf600.. Put 2 cuts in 40litre tank.. 2 weeks veg at 14hrs then 9wks at 12 hrs finished last 4 days of flush on 9hrs.. Some of the largest glands ive grown in 20yrs experience.. 21.5 ounce of quality, sticky buds.. Came thru more sativa but had very long buds and had more scissor resin than any strain i have bloomed.. Trimmed all the bottoms out and topped just as pistals started and still got lots of growth.. Fed as high as 2.6 and she would of taken more but they was easy 4-5ft.. Just started hulk & banana.. Lookin forward to both.. Thank u all @ RQS.. VERY HAPPY CUSTOMER.. 👍😀

    Von D. V. Am 13/M�rz/2020 :

    Anrede : au top
    Kommentare : belle tete et un gout a se taper le cul a terre

    Von C. T. Am 11/M�rz/2020 :

    Anrede : green gelato
    Kommentare : highly recommended all 25 seeds have germinated and are strong and healthy

    Von E. Z. Am 09/M�rz/2020 :

    Anrede : Deluso da Cliente affezionato
    Kommentare : Consegna tempestiva come sempre, certo non e' piacevole vedere che solo dopo qualche giorno i semi sono molto più' economici

    Von M. B. Am 09/M�rz/2020 :

    Anrede : Gelato
    Kommentare : Really nice experience from the buy to the harvest

    Von D. L. Am 03/M�rz/2020 :

    Anrede : Wedding g
    Kommentare : Absolutely amazing one of my favourites will definitely buy again

    Von T. D. Am 02/M�rz/2020 :

    Anrede : Dicker Busch
    Kommentare : Bisher alle aufgegangen und aus jedem einen Dicken Busch mit einer Hammer Wirkung produziert.

    Von M. N. Am 17/Feb/2020 :

    Anrede : Top Shelf Strain
    Kommentare : Best strains i have bought for a long time, seeds cracked within 24 hours and were above ground in 48, veg is very rigorous looking forward to see what she can do in flower, delivery was descreate and very fast will be using Royal Queen again in the future

    Von R. M. Am 17/Feb/2020 :

    Anrede : Rubbish
    Kommentare : Very disappointed. After reading catalogue and some reviews I chose Green Gelato. I have been cultivating for many years and this was BY FAR my worst crop. Half of crop was extremely weak and the othert half was absolute rubbish which I actually threw away , it was that bad. It wasn't just the strength, but the plants appearance. Never seen anything like them in all my time growing. I will definitely be steering clear of GG in future.

    Von M. J. Am 12/Feb/2020 :

    Anrede : Very nice strong plants!
    Kommentare : 5 out of 5 germinated and are now growing really nice and fast. They are only a couple of weeks into veg but they look fantastic so far. All five have the same grow speed and size, they have just started to give away some nice smell. I really looking forward to see how they develop. But as for now it looks just perfect, easy 5 stars rating!

    Von F. H. Am 11/Feb/2020 :

    Anrede : 4402134

    Von R. Z. Am 04/Feb/2020 :

    Anrede : Green Gelato
    Kommentare : Zboží dorazilo v naprostém pořádku a nyní se budu těšit na sklizeň. Děkuji

    Von A. L. Am 31/Jan/2020 :

    Anrede : Nouveau client
    Kommentare : Bonjour. Commander deux graines féminisées (Green Gelato et HulkBerry)plus une graine offerte (Critical) le lundi, recu le samedi suivant. J'ai mis à tremper les 3 graines dans de l'eau pure pendant cinq heures puis je les ai mises dans pastilles coco. Quatre jours plus tard, les trois graines ont germé, une racine montrait le bout de son nez sous chacune des trois pastilles de coco. Pour résumer,commande arrivée rapidement dans un emballage discret, graines en bonne santé, un grinder en prime. Bravo Royal Queen Seeds

    Von H. K. Am 28/Jan/2020 :

    Anrede : Support
    Kommentare : Top Support !!! Thanks Team

    Von S. M. Am 27/Jan/2020 :

    Anrede : Top
    Kommentare : Very nice

    Von M. K. Am 27/Jan/2020 :

    Anrede : Guter Strain
    Kommentare : Sehr guter Strain aber leider nur 3 von 5 gekeimt, sehr enttäuschend

    Von L. L. Am 20/Jan/2020 :

    Anrede : Amazing
    Kommentare : Top as always

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