Von J. T. Am 02/Jul/2024 :

    Anrede : Jan
    Kommentare : Handig product, geeft een goed boost in alle fases van de groei en bloei!

    Von M. H. Am 04/Jan/2024 :

    Anrede : Super vit for your babies
    Kommentare : If you want extra happy ladies then this is a must I using this at the moment on my Orion F1 ladies and they seem to like it a lot the boost it gives to plants is amazing really helps my plants push their growth I’m using a mars hydro tsw 2000 watt this is equivalent to a hid 400w bulb for it light intensity I keep it at 18ins from the canopy at all times and super vit helps the plants take more light in so they handle it pretty well ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️and help to strengthen the stems too very strong plants

    Von B. S. Am 28/Aug/2023 :

    Anrede : 👍🏽💪🏽✅
    Kommentare : An additional supplement for those who like to pamper their young 👌🏽🥦

    Von H. E. Am 16/Aug/2023 :

    Anrede : Etkili
    Kommentare : Gerçekten gözle görülür etkileri var. Dozaj açısından düşünülecek olursa çok az miktarlarla uzun süre kullanılabilen ekonomik bir ürün

    Von V. D. Am 17/Jul/2023 :

    Anrede : Miss weedy
    Kommentare : Parfait pour toutes les phases de la vie de nos plantes. Je recommande au top !

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