Von T. D. Am 09/Jan/2023 :

    Anrede : Growing pretty fast
    Kommentare : I first tried these in very small pots, then I put it in a big raised bed with organic dry amendements, cover crops... After some days of transplant shock the grow exploded. On some days the plants grew more than 2 inchs. I switched to flower a few days ago so we will see what's next...

    Von I. K. Am 14/Dez/2022 :

    Anrede : Awesome!
    Kommentare : After 11 weeks of flower and 3 weeks of drying and curing I can give a review: It makes you feel like you're flying without being too stoned. I really like the effect of THCv and it should be in every serious cannabis connoisseur collection :-)

    Von D. W. Am 21/Jun/2022 :

    Anrede : Warras
    Kommentare : Top

    Von J. L. Am 31/Mai/2022 :

    Anrede : thcv
    Kommentare : 3 graine sur 3 Germer , belle plante rapide , je revien dans trois mois quand je pourai la fume ,

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