• Royal Medic
  • Royal Medic
  • Royal Medic
  • Royal Medic
  • Royal Medic
  • Royal Medic

Royal Medic

Critical x Juanita la Lagrimosa

Royal Medic wird etwas Balance in Dein Leben bringen. Durch gleiche Anteile von THC und CBD regt dieser Nachkomme von Critical und Juanita den Geist an, Du behältst aber die Kontrolle und bleibst geerdet. Erlebe geistig klare Wirkungen zur Steigerung von Fokus und Motivation, ohne allzu stoned zu werden. Durch ihre kompakte Struktur und starke Wuchskraft liefert sie hohe Erträge auf kleinem Raum.
(300) Eine Rezension schreiben
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€ 4.20
€ 10.50
€ 17.50
€ 31.50
€ 63.00
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€ 10.50

€ 15.00 (-30%)

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Die Sorte Royal Medic ist die stolze Nachfolgerin von Juanita La Lagrimosa und Critical

Bist Du in letzter Zeit oft ein bisschen zu high gewesen? Dann schalte mit den Royal-Medic-Cannabissamen einen Gang zurück. Dieser sativadominierte Hybrid wird Deinen Geist beflügeln, während Du jedoch fest in der Funktionalität verwurzelt bleiben wirst. Als Nachkomme der Elternsorten Critical und Juanita sorgt Royal Medic für einen klaren Geist und eine milde Euphorie – und ist außerdem einfach anzubauen. Diese Buds sind die perfekte Wahl, wenn Du Dir einen kleinen Muntermacher wünschst und es dabei nicht übertreiben willst.

Wirkung, Geschmack und Aroma der Sorte Royal Medic: Genieße Euphorie bei einem klaren Kopf

Die Sorte Royal Medic enthält gleiche Mengen an THC und CBD, was ein klares und ausgeglichenes High bewirkt, das zu jeder Tageszeit passt. Beide Cannabinoide sind mit einer Konzentration von 10% enthalten, und somit bietet dieser sativadominierte Hybrid eine subtile psychoaktive Wirkung – genug, um einen leichten körperlichen Buzz zu erzeugen, ohne Dich an die Couch zu fesseln. Der CBD-Gehalt wirkt Wunder – er zähmt das High und verleiht dem Erlebnis Klarheit und Bewusstheit. Abwechslungsreiche und komplexe Aromen von Zitrusfrüchten, Erde, Früchten, Kräutern und Kiefer runden das Erlebnis ab.

Royal Medic Cannabissamen anbauen: Kompakt und produktiv

Die Royal-Medic-Cannabissamen haben eine widerstandsfähige Genetik und bringen Pflanzen hervor, die unter einer Vielzahl von Anbaubedingungen gedeihen können. In Innenräumen erreichen die Pflanzen eine Höhe von 120cm, bleiben unter Verwendung von LST und anderen Anbautechniken aber bei 80cm. Nach einer Blütezeit von 9–10 Wochen kannst Du mit einer Ernte von bis zu 550g/m² rechnen. Outdoor-Pflanzen werden ohne Training bis zu 150cm hoch und kommen mit ungünstigem Wetter gut zurecht. Bereite genügend Vorratsgläser vor, um Anfang Oktober 475–525g/Pflanze lagern zu können.

Royal Medic data sheet
Art der Sorte: CBD
THC: 10%
CBD: Hoch
Ertrag Indoor: 500 - 550 gr/m2
Ertrag Outdoor: 475 - 525 gr/plant
Höhe Indoor: 80 - 120 cm
Höhe Outdoor: 120 - 150 cm
Blütephase: 9 - 10 Wochen
Erntemonat: Anfang Oktober
Genetischer hintergrund: Critical x Juanita
Art: Sativa 75% Indica 25%
Wirkung: Klar, Schnelles Denken
Klimazone: Lange Sommer
Geschmack: Erdig, Fruchtig, Kiefer, Pflanzlich, Zitrusartig

    Von T. T. Am 14/Dez/2024 :

    Anrede : First-timer
    Kommentare : Cultivation: The seed germinated without any problems. I only grew the plant outside and started with a 2.25 liter pot, which worked incredibly well for me. Together with compost-rich soil and mycorrhiza powder, the plant exploded in height. The roots developed so quickly that I had to repot again after a very short time. I continued with 10 liters, then 25 liters and then 42 liters. To my suprise, the plant needed even more space, which is why I used 72 liters as the final pot. After harvesting, however, I saw that the 72 liters were also completely filled with roots and that ring roots were slowly forming. Training: The plant was trained with LST, topping and fimming and finally lollipopping. The plant tolerated all 3 variants divinely and grew bigger and bigger. The harvest: At the end of the flowering phase, the plant had a diameter of 120cm and a height of 140cm. The branches of the main stem were so full that I had to stabilize them with sticks, otherwise they would have broken under their own weight. My entire harvest before drying weighed around 600 grams. I only ended up with around 15 grams dry because I'm more interested in growing than consuming. I destroyed the rest of my harvest. Effect: Super pleasant high, extremly nice before going to sleep, I ended up just referring to the strain as a "Feierabend Bierchen". Conclusion: Super awesome strain, great smell, incredible yield. I can recommend this variety for people in Cannabis Social Clubs, where you can also store significantly larger quantities of dried weed.

    Von U. T. Am 12/Okt/2024 :

    Anrede : Happiness Plant
    Kommentare : Planted two seeds. Germination was no problem. Grew organically (soil as recommended by RQS - see their wonderful blogs!), on normal pots (20l), bringing the young plants indoors on bad and/or cold weather. Germination in late April, harvest in early October, after a good, sunny summer on mid Europe. One plant stayed short (90cm high, but wide) but it was the greenest and most wonderful bush! Unfortunately it had some problem in August; might have bee too much sun or heat or some nutrient lockout, although I believe I was on the short side of nutrients, altogether. I used dedicated nutes for veg and bloom phases. Also used seaweed, molasses with a spoon of lemon juice every now and then and calcium from egg shells (during blooming). I'll harvest this one in another week or so. The branches smell of pine, citrus, fruity (just as advertised!). It's just such a wonderful smell. The other was a monster of a plant (trained and topped, 120cm; harvest gave me a very good amount) and a few weeks ahead of her shorter sister. Both had clear Sativa phenotype (narrow-fingered leaves and branches all over the places!). First test-drive (vape) gave me a balanced high. Made me happy, talkative, tranquil, peaceful and funny. All in all, the plant is as described on its data sheet. A most definite recommendation for those seeking to grow under natural conditions (soil and sun) and seeking a balanced effects, just as promised. Thanks RQS! You won't get stoned (but buzzed to high) and this Sativa will have you making peace with the world in no time.

    Von E. R. Am 28/Sept/2024 :

    Anrede : Awsome shipping 1day
    Kommentare : I dont know about the grow yet but i have to leave a review about there shipping and pkging i order at 8pm and had my product next day by 1pm AWSOME shipping time no one else can touch that at all they get an. Order and send it out no playing around and i love there pkg doesnt look like someone did in in there basement VERY PRO I WILL UPDATE WHEN I KNOW MORE

    Von M. T. Am 30/Aug/2024 :

    Anrede : gut geworden
    Kommentare : war mein erster Anbau, hat aber super funktioniert

    Von M. S. Am 20/Aug/2024 :

    Anrede : Medic
    Kommentare : Good

    Von T. F. Am 09/Aug/2024 :

    Anrede : Mr. Medic
    Kommentare : Sehr gute Keimrate. Definitiv weiter zu empfehlen. 3 von 3 Samen sind gekeimt innerhalb von 4 Tagen.

    Von M. B. Am 10/Jul/2024 :

    Anrede : Accro Obedo
    Kommentare : Livraison toujours aussi rapide et soignée. Y a plus qu'à lancer la germination.

    Von G. M. Am 02/Jul/2024 :

    Anrede : An Amazing little plant!
    Kommentare : I had no idea she would grow that fast! I started her indoors and put her outdoors early spring. It was almost like magic how fast she flowered! About 9 or 10 weeks in flower and she was ready! I got three quart mason jars full of bud. We don't smoke but put it in 00 caps. She is a great pain reliever for my back problems but when we tried her at night for sleep and pain she kept us awake. She is now our day time med. As soon as we move I will plant a couple more. She is so sticky it feels like glue on my fingers after I load the caps! Great for pain!

    Von S. D. Am 16/Mai/2024 :

    Anrede : Great plant
    Kommentare : Grew 3 of these ladies in a 2x4 tent under two vs1000 lights using house and garden soil a&b nutrients. Great structure from the critical genetics, very pungent buds, very mellow buzz perfect for bed time. Ended up with 4 Oz dried which is partly due to height constraints in my tent, I'm sure if I kept them in veg longer I'd have gotten more.

    Von H. M. Am 16/Mai/2024 :

    Anrede : Very good
    Kommentare : Langsamer Start. Sehr Freundlich für Anfänger.

    Von P. P. Am 13/Apr/2024 :

    Anrede : Jepla
    Kommentare : Vorig jaar 5 zaden gekocht en dit jaar gepland in progator en succesvol allemaal aan het ontkiemen

    Von V. K. Am 12/Jan/2024 :

    Anrede : V
    Kommentare : So far 3 of my 5 seeds have germinated successfully and yielded a good amount. Nice

    Von S. M. Am 06/M�rz/2023 :

    Anrede : Probably the best balanced strain
    Kommentare : if you are searching for a balanced high without neglect cbd this strain might be for you

    Von J. L. Am 02/M�rz/2023 :

    Anrede : MEDICA
    Kommentare : Bonne germination, plante taille moyenne idéal pour faire un buisson!

    Von G. R. Am 09/Jun/2022 :

    Anrede : Ottima
    Kommentare : Molto buono sia il risultato sia il gusto!

    Du kannst keine Bewertung abgeben, da Du dieses Produkt nicht gekauft hast.
Von shirley morton | 2018-05-21 19:40:32

I'm living with MS and i'm suffering with muscle spasms and anziety. what would be the best strain of seeds for me to grow. or get ?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

The most recommended strains for medical purposes will be the ones with an equal amount (as much as possible) of THC and CBD like Painkiller XL, Medical Mass and Euphoria.

Von David Jones | 2018-05-15 21:26:59

Good evening what percentage is the cbd levels in the Royal Medic? Thank you.

Royal Queen Seeds Team

We do not give specific percentage of CBD content on our strains and avoid misinterpretations. The CBD content is partially dependent on the grow environment, feeding schedule and some other factors. In general CBD content can be up to 8% if it is a strong CBD dominant phenotype. The Royal Medic has a high CBD level, which is usually from 5 to 8%.

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eKomi silver seal
4.7 von 5
von 40494 Rezensionen


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