Von D. P. Am 28/Dez/2023 :

    Anrede : Great Quality for an affordable price
    Kommentare : I bought the 3 shirts of the series in L and they all fit very well, very nice designs! i love em

    Von J. R. Am 01/Jul/2022 :

    Anrede : Good Quality / fit more lose compared to "RQS Organic T-Shirt" / Design gets boring by time
    Kommentare : Its a good quality Shirt for a fair price. The fit is overall good but not that amazing compared to the "RQS Organic T-Shirt". This shirt is more lose in comparasion to the one mentioned. I am 1,80m-190m tall and I wear size M. Nothing more worth mentioning expect the design feels more basic and gets boring over time. I dont feel the need to buy multiple of these or the other shirts Royal Gorilla or Cookies gelato. I can recommend buying this product.

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