Von K. G. Am 23/Jan/2023 :

    Anrede : Rex
    Kommentare : My bag was not well processed. The seam doesn’t look as robust as all my other bags. So I hope this is an exception and not the normal case. 5* for the nice look, 4* for the bag-material, 2* for my seam, 3* for the price (8€, too much for a bag, so wait for a discount). I know RQS has a great service and I could have my bag replaced if I wanted. But I just upgraded the seam with a sewing machine very easily. So this point doesn’t matter anymore. I love this bag, you might love it, too.

    Von N. P. Am 10/Okt/2022 :

    Anrede : Great bag!
    Kommentare : I love it, the material is firm and it looks really cool with any outfit!

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