Von G. P. Am 07/Nov/2023 :

    Anrede : Book
    Kommentare : Nice

    Von D. P. Am 02/Okt/2023 :

    Anrede : So Good!!!
    Kommentare : Its the best book you can own to fix any issues! Jorge really wrote it so well in the "i" or "me" way.. you feel that instant connection when you read it. It's a bit outdated but still the holy grail and worth every penny!

    Von L. W. Am 19/Apr/2023 :

    Anrede : First Bible
    Kommentare : Best book I ever bought!!! Thanks RQS

    Von T. B. Am 21/Okt/2022 :

    Anrede : Miss T. Rious
    Kommentare : Nice big heavy book, which goes into a lot of detail on a lot of subjects. Loads of pics to make it easier for the beginner grower. I would have loved an extra chapter on Automatics!

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