Die besten Cannabissamen für das Gewächshaus

Du suchst nach den besten Sorten für das Gewächshaus? Dann bist Du hier genau richtig. Im Folgenden findest Du eine handverlesene Auswahl unserer liebsten Gewächshaus-Sorten kleiner bis mittelgroßer Statur, die für ein Anbaugewächshaus aller Formen und Größen ideal sind.

  • Shining Silver Haze

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What to Look For When Growing Weed Seeds in a Greenhouse?

While every grower is different, greenhouse cannabis growers typically look for shorter strains that are resilient to pests and pathogens, and that can handle a longer flowering period. Above, you'll find small to medium strains that perform well under indoor conditions, are pest-resistant, and produce great harvests in both short and long time frames.

How to Choose the Best Strain for Your Greenhouse?

To get the most out of your greenhouse weed, we recommend looking for strains that are specifically suited to indoor or greenhouse growing (dedicated outdoor strains are typically too large). Of course, don't forget to assess the flavors, aromas, and effects of a strain to make sure you end up harvesting buds that suit your tastes and preferences!

eKomi silver seal
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