Von K. B. Am 13/Nov/2024 :

    Anrede : yesyesyoa.
    Kommentare : I ordered 5 each, I germinated 3 of them in the EasyStart from RQS and 2 with the oldschool paper towel method. The old-school method survived and grew very well. The vegetation phase of both went smoothly and training is not a problem. Tangie1 took up the topping very well and regenerated the injury within a few days. And grew into a great lady. citrus and orange dominate the smell. Tangie2 only received a little lollipop and grew very vigorously. Skunk and orange mixed, skunk dominant, very great. Harvest and yield are satisfyxing and the buds are nice and firm. Colas very compact, covered in trichomes and very fragrant. cheers✌️

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